In 250 A.D., during the reign of Decius, the Roman fleet under the command of admiral Noumerianos arrived in Chios. A young Greek man, Isidoros, from Alexandria, saw service in the fleet. Isidoros was a quartermaster sergeant and a devout Christian. Isidoros and his Christian friend, Amenios, stayed in a house in the region of Kampos. When he prayed to God during the nights, lightning and flames could be seen over the roof of his house. Many of his neighbors were impressed and were convinced by Isidoros and Amenios that the light was divine and were baptized Christians. The news was spread quickly. Admiral Noumerianos also heard about it and so he called for Isidoros. He accused him of not sacrificing to the gods. Isidoros’s reply was regarded to have been offensive and Noumerianos asked that Isidoros be beheaded. After whipping and dragging him chained to a horse, the Romans beheaded him on May 14, 250 A.D. St. Isidoros’s head was found by a Christian woman from Ephesus, Miropi, and she buried it together with his body. She was discovered and was also martyred for her actions. St. Isidoros is the patron saint of Chios.